1) Who can use Xtrategy Nutrition supplements?

Most adults can benefit from taking Xtrategy Nutrition supplements, from busy students, to business people, to a retired senior. Basically anyone who is looking to add more plant-based nutrients to their diet.

2) Can I take Xtrategy Nutrition supplements while pregnat or nursing?

We advise that you consult your doctor prior to taking Xtrategy Nutrition supplements – or any dietary supplement/natural health product – while you are pregnant or nursing.

3) How many capsules of my Wake-Up do I take a day?

Wake-Up is a natural fat burner that accelerates your metabolism and promotes energy enhancement in a natural way. This is a natural supplement that does not cause jitteriness or other side effects that other supplements do. However, everybody is different and therefore can react differently to it. For the most effective results, we recommend you take 1 capsule after breakfast and 1 capsule after lunch. Some customers do take more than 2 capsules daily, however, we do not recommend exceeding 2 pills a day. We do not recommend you take it in the evening or at night.

4) How many capsules of my Xtrategy Test Booster do I take a day?

For the most effective results, we recommend you take 4 capsules every day with a meal in the morning or afternoon. We do not recommend exceeding 4 capsules a day and we do not recommend you take it in the evening or at night.

5) How many capsules of my X-calm do I take a day?

For the most effective results, we recommend that you take 2 capsules every day before bedtime to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety throughout the night. We do not recommend exceeding 2 pills a day.

5) Can I take different Xtrategy Nutrition Supplements combined?

Yes, you can take all our Xtrategy Supplements combined. However, only our X-calm should be taken before bedtime. We strongly recommend that you take our supplements as part of your healthy lifestyle combined with a nutritional and balanced diet and the practice of physical activity. As usual it is recommended that you speak with your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet. If you have any medical condition or are taking any medicine, talk to a physician before taking any supplement.

6) Can women take the Xtrategy Test Booster?

Yes, both women and men can take our Xtrategy Test Booster. It is a planted-based supplement that promotes endurance and strength, helps to tone muscles and boosts testosterone production in a natural way.

7) Is it possible to take too much Xtrategy Nutrition supplements?

It is advisable to talk to your health care practitioner if you want to take more than the recommended servings of Xtrategy Nutrition supplements a day.